2025 IEEE 7th International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Fellow of IEEE
Affiliation: School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Mail id: echchang@ntu.edu.sg
Phone No: +65 67905873
Fax: +65 67933318
Homepage: https://personal.ntu.edu.sg/echchang/home.htm
Chip Hong Chang is an Associate Professor at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore. He held concurrent appointments at NTU as Assistant Chair of Alumni of the School of EEE from 2008 to 2014, Deputy Director of the Center for High Performance Embedded Systems from 2000 to 2011, and Program Director of the Center for Integrated Circuits and Systems from 2003 to 2009. He has coedited five books, and have published 13 book chapters, more than 100 international journal papers (>70 are in IEEE), more than 180 refereed international conference papers (mostly in IEEE), and have delivered over 40 colloquia and invited seminars. His current research interests include hardware security and trustable computing, low-power and fault-tolerant computing, residue number systems, and application-specific digital signal processing algorithms and architectures. Dr. Chang currently serves as the Senior Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security (TIFS), and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I (TCAS-I) and IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (TVLSI) Systems. He was the Associate Editor of the IEEE TIFS and IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) from 2016 to 2019, IEEE Access from 2013 to 2019, IEEE TCAS-I from 2010 to 2013, Integration, the VLSI Journal from 2013 to 2015, Springer Journal of Hardware and System Security from 2016 to 2020 and Microelectronics Journal from 2014 to 2020. He also guest edited eight journal special issues including IEEE TCAS-I, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE TCAD and IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS). He has held key appointments in the organizing and technical program committees of more than 60 international conferences (mostly IEEE), including the General Co-Chair of 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems and the inaugural Workshop Chair and Steering Committee of the ACM CCS satellite workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security. He is the 2018-2019 IEEE CASS Distinguished Lecturer, a Fellow of the IEEE and the IET.
Research Interests: Hardware Secruity and Trust, Residue Number Systems, Low-power Arithmetic Circuits, Digital Filter Design, Fault-tolerant Computing, Inexact Computing, Application-specific Digital Signal Processors, Neural Network Algorithms and Architectures.
Member of IEEE (96821730), Member of IEEE Computer Society, Fellow of Higher Education
Academy UK.
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, UK
Mail id: b.li@lboro.ac.uk
Phone No: +4407912227789
Fax: +65 67933318
Homepage: https://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/compsci/staff/academic-teaching/baihua-li/
Dr. Baihua Li is a Professor at Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, UK. She is Member of IEEE, Member of IEEE Computer Society, and Fellow of Higher Education Academy UK. Her main research expertise lies in computer vison, pattern recognition, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, intelligent systems and data science. Her research emphasizes novel AI theory and applications in human-machine interaction, autonomous systems, sports science, computer-aided medical diagnosis, surveillance, finance and big data. More than 90 papers have been published, including the most prestigious scientific journals, e.g. IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng., IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics and Information Sciences. She has a proven track record and contributed to a number of research projects in AI. On-going projects (over £1.4M in AI, machine learning, robotics and big data) are mainly funded by Innovate UK, Newton Fund, EPSRC, KTP, NHS and a wide range of industry.
Research Interests: AI, computer vison, pattern recognition, machine learning, deep learning, robotics, embedded intelligent systems, big date, HCI, human motion analysis, sensors and image/signal processing.
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